Advise on C5 Corvettes 1997 – 2004 scan tools

Some owners/technicians are considering purchasing scan tools for C5 Corvettes, but have no ideal which one is working and cheap. Here I advise two commonly-used GM scan tools including GM Tech2 clone and Bluetooth OBD2 adapter with Torque app, and with some experienced users’ reviews.

Advise on GM Tech2 clone

You can pick up a Tech2 clone for about $350 from China. I have one and I use it all the time. It has proven to be rock solid reliable and does everything a real one does.

Someone said Tech2 clone fail to reprogramming the PCM.

The Tech 2 will program the PCM for GM approved changes like manual to auto tranny, etc. when swapping PCMs or modifying the car. Even the clones can do it. You just need to use the TIS 2000 software that either comes with it or can be bought separately for about $20-30 dollars. This software is used with a computer to interface with the Tech 2.

Mine came with a USB key that will authorize changes to your car. If your VIN is not in the key you get then for a small fee you can get authorization just like any shop doing the work for you has to do.

Advise on Bluetooth OBD2 adapter with Torque app

Some say yes:

Begin with a question: “s this something you want permanently installed in the car or do you want to view this from time to time? ”

If you’re just doing occasionally and you have an Android phone, I highly recommend purchasing a Bluetooth OBD2 adapter from They can be had for less than $30.

Pair this up with an app called Torque and you can now view everything your car has a sensor for. RPM, speed, temperatures, air/fuel (if you’re car is capable of it), and much more.

I use this combo and it’s really great.

Some user say no:

The Scantools one would work since they have a good name. There are some sites(ELM327) for 13 bucks but i think its a crap shoot if it will work with the C5.

In a word, to use Bluetooth OBD2 adapter with Torque app is at your own risk.

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