BMW ICOM A2 clone K-line problem (fixed)

Here is the solution to BMW ICOM A2+B+C clone diagnostic system cannot communicate with old BMW cars with K-Line.



My ICOM A2 clone can read all E9x cars and also program these cars. I tried on E46 320D 2000 ICOM A2+Inpa and ICOM+ Rheingold = No success. On INPA I receive IFH-0010 error and on Rheingold – connection timeout.

Then I tried another E83 old model, ISTA/D ISTA/P can read the Voltage on both KL but not the VIN. NCS Expert shows always an IFH0009 Error on every SG which i choose to read the VIN.

But it work perfectly with cars above 2007. The same settings works perfectly on a E92 320D 2008. Only older cars cannot read. It seems to be a problem with K-Line.


If your BMW ICOM diagnostic system cannot read older cars or specific modules or some new cars, then do following:

Dissemble the PCB circuit board of your ICOM clone

Test the resistance (marked red in picture below) to check if the voltage is 39K with a multimeter, if it is, it’s normal.

Otherwise, the device is damaged. You’ve to send back for repair.




This is a ICOM, not USB interface. So there is helpless to get an OBD2-adapter where PIN 7+8 is bridged.

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