The clone MVP Pro M8, any good? will tell the truth from users’ feedback and experiment.
The Key Pro M8: Good
- At present key pro m8 tokens are US$10/€9/ £6.7 each (without promotion), promotion makes it cheaper low to £2.50 each, so very cheap considering the coverage and a very low token cost. Its not worth risking an original tool for such a small saving , for m8 users the m8 tokens are far cheaper, more than half the price .
- It all works as claimed, not all functions need tokens, only those that require the pin code/immo code/BCM code calculator.
- It pays for itself in its free functions like pin reading and remote programming.
- The current software on key pro m8 works well and the tokens are far cheaper than original. So in updating to latest version software brings with it a much higher token cost than m8 current prices, so for those using mate for mostly the functions it has now gives them not a lot.
- Key pro m8 auto key programmer meets real long term benefits. The key pro m8 makers will react with cheaper tokens and cheaper token free options, and AD900 etc token free devices are a large set up with clever software engineers and deeper pockets, all the loss of token sales for any period of time would be a huge dent to revenue.
- These are our clone MVP Pro m8 PCB and chips display. All connectors/resisters/poles are well soldered. Quality is absolutely not a problem.
MVP Pro clone PCB board display:

Key Pro M8: Bad
- The downside being that it update very slow 12-18 month. But as described above current software works well.
- Token issue. There is a mistake than the claim of token required machine will mess cars up. M8 key pro works excellent on major vehicle makes. And tokens is much cheap than original mvp.
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