BMW CAS3, CAS3+, CAS4, CAS4+, FEM / BDC make keys, what tool? any reviews?

Looking for recommendations for a BMW key programmer that has more success in  programming keys for BMW CAS3, CAS3+, CAS4, CAS4+, FEM / BDC? It depends on what year the BMW is, with EWS system for old model ak90 for new model with cas system vvdi2 , cgdi, Yanhua mini acdp, autohex , BMW Multi tool …………… and if you had a lost key situation you need a good programmer to read mcu and key maker to make new key
a lot of tools, remember one tool never enough.

Vote VVDI2 BMW software

BMW 535 GT CAS4 All Keys Lost Done by VVDI2 BMW V6.6.1 By OBD

BMW 520 F10 2016 CAS4 key programming by OBD with VVDI2 BMW V6.6.1works fine

Related images and procedure are list in this article:

I’m using VVDI2 and VVDI prog to make all kind of BMWkeys.
So far it’s a great tool, been using it now for 3 months and really not had any problems with it.

Any more VVDI2 BMW reviews, you can google search and there will be lots videos, forum posts, articles.

Vote CG pro 

For CAS3, CAS3+, CAS4, and CAS4+ I really like CG pro. Do dump from BDM and make key, software is only like $300, NO token nonsense.
CGDI does keys for CAS1-CAS3+ via OBD, CAS4 and 4+ from dump, plus FEM/BDC. Unfortunately the ISN capabilities are greatly exaggerated. No tokens with either one, but ISN read for all-keys-lost probably only works for 3 or 4 types of DME.
I really suggest doing keys from dump rather than OBD with Chinese tools, much safer. The FEM stuff is a little sketchy too. I’m in the whatsapp tech group for the CG products, and people brick CAS and FEM kinda regularly.
Keys from dump is very safe though.
I hate to drop two grand on Autohex, but I’m likely headed in that direction for FEM/BDC.

AutohexII is trusted and secured tool for thin but not the cheapest one .

CG Pro can make keys from dump, and it’s only like $300. To my knowledge, that is the cheapest tool to make keys from dump. It can read ISN with key, which is also nice for backup purposes.

Vote Yanhua mini ACDP

1st user said:

I use Yanhua mini, PC version. Been successful in key duplicate CAS2,CAS3, CAS3+, Cas4 with working key available. No soldering, I love it.

Not tried CAS3++ and CAS4+ all keys lost. It reads DME ISN very well in most cases (see supported DMEs) where I have tried it but again, all keys lost is not tested for CAS crypto and cas4.

Used it to replace MSV80, MEV1722 DME’S successfully.

I have also agonised over autohex or BMWE but the cost of those does not make any economic sense for the part time work I do on keys and ecu replacement. Ill make do with the Chinese tools for now.

Oh, and the first Chinese tool I have used that has customer service that responds and tries to resolve issues

2nd user said:

I’ve had no issues with it so far and have done cas4, cas3, frm, key renew, retrieved ISN from MSD85.

I use on laptop not phone and have very happy with it so far, the PC connection is wireless, 2.4MHz, will not work on 5G. Took me forever to find that out. It is better as I don’t have to worry about transferring files back over to it from phone. You can always upload files to phone so you have them both devices.

Make sure you get any pins detected, I could understand if maybe 1 or 2 pins not detected but if not able to detect any that would point to bad unit. Be sure to use their cleaning tool for pin connections, I tried without doing when I first got it and noticed I would get no detection on certain pins. Also make sure switch on side of OBP+ICP is not in can mode. So far the hardest part of using this tool was the initial setup and authorizations, been flawless so far.

3rd user said:

Reading eprom cas4 and make a key for f11 so far done.
cas4 reading eprom compared with vvdi reading and its matching 100%

4th user said:

I have both ACDP AND CGDI, yes both are good on E and Fseries especially for keys.

View Yanhua mini ACDP BMW CAS FEM/BDC Coverage:

Vote BMW Multi tool

I used the BMW Multi tool to make keys for my E series cars with CAS 2 and 3.

Actually, BMW Multi tool is old version and not available on the market.

Vote bmw explorer or autohex

Buy bmw explorer or autohex. Sometimes there will be discounts.


There is a lot BMW key programmer incl. cheap ones and expensive ones, it depends on each user. some use only for key prog some other use for scan adapt and reprogram modules and key prog. autohex, bmw explorer, cgdi, acdp, vvdi2 bmw, ak90 for older models etc.

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