How to update Lexia 3 version B to version C

I bought my Lexia interface clone from china ( full chip with S/N 963830 C ) I tested as it is before reflash it with Mr. NLC and in some cars that I know 100% that a “B” clone didn’t worked before this “C” clone didn’t worked too.
Then I tested it again in same cars after I flashed with Mr. NLC And all worked 100%

Here is what I did:

Open the “” with a HEX Editor and read what Mr. NLC wrote in it.
I use my tool from time to time but what I wanna tell you is that when I bought my clone from china ( full chip with S/N 963830 C ) I tested as it is before reflash it with Mr. NLC and in some cars that I know 100% that a “B” clone didn’t worked before this “C” clone didn’t worked too.
Then I tested it again in same cars after I flashed with Mr. NLC
And all worked 100%
I took my clone for a long now so I do not remember when I did this tests but if I remmebr well was in May 2013
This are my tests that I did. What will be we will see. Conclusions are yours

If you wanna play you can edit the serial in the But take care.

Tip you might need:

For those have tried to update the firmware from B to C with the file i’ve been downloading from WP74, but it makes no difference in working, and you can’t access the C CAN bus:

The solution is: Just buy a standard 10K Ohms 1/4 watt resistor and solder it between the two terminals, similar to the form shown in the snapshot*.

* The snapshot is a random photo taken from the internet for demonstration purpose and not related to the XS Evolution VCI.


(Thanks to mattydr67)

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