YH35XX programmer +Simulator program mileage on 35128WT / VDO

F chassis 35128WT EEPROM & G chassis VDO mileage program by YH35XX programmer +Simulator, means no risk, no red dot. This post offers the how-to’s of procedure.


How-to’s of YH35XX programmer +Simulator program mileage for 35128WT EEPROM and VDO odometer?

1.Program mileage for F chassis with 35128WT EEPROM


YH35XX programmer + Simulator

Yanhua Mini ACDP

How to:

Record the original car kilometers 4145km


Remove the dashboard, find out the position of chip 35128 and remove it, use Yanhua 35XX programmer to read out the chip data.

yh35xx-programmer-simulator-35128wt-vdo-odometer-02 yh35xx-programmer-simulator-35128wt-vdo-odometer-03

Use Yanhua 35XX Programmer to write the original car data into the simulator, and program the mileage. After complete, solder the simulator back to the chip position of the original car.


Use Yanhua Mini ACDP to reset the FEM /BDC module mileage to zero.

Install the dashboard back to the car to verify if the new mileage is adjusted successfully, the new value is 14KM.


2.Program mileage for G chassis VDO 


YH35XX programmer + Simulator

Yanhua MB CAN Filter


How to:

Record the old mileage value i.e 53693km


Remove the dashboard, find out the position of 35128 chip and remove it, use Yanhua 35XX programmer to read out the chip data.


Use Yanhua 35XX programmer to write the original car’s data into the simulating chip, and program the mileage, after mileage programming complete, weld the simulating chip back to the car.


Install Yanhua MB CAN Filter on the dashboard, the wiring diagram is shown as bellow.


Install back the dashboard and verify if the mileage programming is adjusted successfully, the new value is 37253km


Job is done.

Thanks to Yanhua YH35XX Programmer with Simulator.

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