BMW E60 525i DME MSV90 bench reading: AT-200 programmer done! (Attach wiring)

What is CGDI AT-200 ECU programmer?

AT-200 programmer is the latest ECU tool designed for BMW ECU read/write/clone and ISN code read, which can be used with auto key programmers such as vvdi2, acdp, cgdi, etc.


AT-200 programmer works good? any success?

Yep. it has been tested successfully with DME MSV90 from BMW E60 525i.


BMW ECU models for reading and writing includes: MSV90 MSD85 MSD87 N2055 B38 B48. Its best solution for changing used computer after broken (Only car computer repair essential.)

AT-200 can read BMW ISN Code from DME when do all key lost for BMW 3 Series, 5 Series, 7 Series, X5, X6, GT535, Six-cylinder engine (These models require ISN code to program the keys.)

It will adds Mercedes-Benz 271 , Audi Volkswagen 06J and other ecu types in next updates.


How to use CGDI AT-200 ECU programmer to read data?

Difficulty: easy!

Car: BMW E60 525i

DME: MSV90 from

Connection: you need the ECU cable with DME and AT 200


Wiring diagram:


Method: read data on bench

Test: (images)

at-200-bmw-dme-msv90-1 at-200-bmw-dme-msv90-2 at-200-bmw-dme-msv90-4 at-200-bmw-dme-msv90-6 at-200-bmw-dme-msv90-5 at-200-bmw-dme-msv90-7 at-200-bmw-dme-msv90-8 at-200-bmw-dme-msv90-9 at-200-bmw-dme-msv90-10 at-200-bmw-dme-msv90-11 at-200-bmw-dme-msv90-12

Result: success!

Good to know: AT200 can be used to work together with CGDI BMW, Mini ACDP, VVDI2 Xhorse and other auto key programming tools to program new keys.


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