Confirmed! VVDI Key tool tested working fine with CN3 chip

Confirmed! VVDI Key tool tested working fine with CN3 chip.

Story goes like this:

Q: Used vvdi key tool programmer clone 2013 VW UP perfectly today. Where does the keytool take its tokens from? Does it use bonus points to clone ID48?

A: No you need buy tokens for cloning, however I believe up until Chinese New Year it is free to use copy48 (where tool has authorization for this function)

Q: Anywhere have stock for VVDI ID46 clone transponders?

A: For id46 can use CN3

Q: CN3 no longer works for me after recent updates, is this true for other people?

A: Bad quality CN3

good quality work perfect

( )

for original xhorse 46 chips ask here

Image 1: good quality CN3 chip


Image 2: original Xhorse 46 chip


Finally, I have just tested now and it work fine with CN3 chip.

vvdi-key-tool-works-fine-with-cn3-chip-03 vvdi-key-tool-works-fine-with-cn3-chip-04 vvdi-key-tool-works-fine-with-cn3-chip-05

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