Post provides Winols 2.24 free download source & install, then making checksums tutorial
Winols 2.24 free download:!JsRwSDIK!KNJAxDSYRWQppHsFN2DcnrNlJy4epXpm4WdJFOiiTVM
Please try at your own luck
Winols 2.24 (tested working)
How to install WinOLS 2.24 software:
- Install WinOLS 1.721
- Run WinOLS 1.721 and Next… Next… etc..
- Install WinOLS 2.24 ( Metod 1 >>> Setup.exe )
- Run C:/Program Files/EVC/WinOLS/ols_32on32.exe and Next… Next… Next…
- Copy EVC_key.dll , EVClicenseMOD.dll and winols.exe on the folder Metod 1 / Crack in C:/Program Files/EVC/ ( NOT IN WINOLS !!! ) only in EVC.
- Copy EVC_key.dll and EVClicenseMOD.dll in C:/WINDOWS/system32/
- Run C:/Program Files/EVC/winols.exe
Checksums are very important, get them wrong and car wont start or even worse
- If you haven’t installed winols 2.24 first, then do so, it can be found on forum using the search button.
- 2. Open winols, and after you will see the empty working box, picture 1A. Now drag and drop your ecu file onto this box as in picture 1B. Now in picture 1, you can see there are 3 checksums that need correcting, winols will do this for you.

- Follow the instructions in each picture 1a – 10 and this should get you started making checksum for your own files.
Included are two ecu files, Audi A6 3.0 lambda off ME7.1.1, one with “nochecks” (no checksum) and the other with “csok” (checksum ok).
petio 3,.0 asn_lambda_off_nochecks.rar!8QACUKIY!4UNLVFh58D4xeUAPNyfUr0T6cyqHHZqHkR-TkRK4174
petio 3,.0 asn_lambda_off_nochecks_csok.rar!YBRTBJbL!ZlfYbr_f88LE9EhbnpGcTFDJNAkKJgyGvREoyxlmxF8
Good luck