Tested! Cummins Inline 7 is confirmed to work no issues with Insite software 8.3! successfully read trouble codes!
Software version: Insite
Cummins Inline 7 insite 8.3 get ready
Cummins insite 8.3 fault codes:
Fault codes are Cummins way of letting you know that your engine has a problem. Every sensor and circuit on your engine has a certain expected reading and voltage signal. These signals are monitored constantly by the Cummins ECM. If values rise above or below expected, the ECM will log a code.
If the error has occurred but is not happening at the time of diagnostics, it is known as an Inactive Fault. If the error is happening while you diagnose, it is known as an Active Fault.
All codes can be classified as either Active or Inactive, and their status can be determined by flash codes or through the Insite Electronic Service Tool.
the ECM will log a code.
If the error has occurred but is not happening at the time of diagnostics, it is known as an Inactive Fault. If the error is happening while you diagnose, it is known as an Active Fault.
All codes can be classified as either Active or Inactive, and their status can be determined by flash codes or through the Insite Electronic Service Tool.
What is new of Fault Codes in Cummins INSITE version 8:
– Fault Codes window displays an engine’s fault data
– Fault Codes include both engine faults and engine protection faults
– Each fault is represented by a Cummins fault code
– Ability to link to Fault Information System for Troubleshooting Information
What’s new in Fault Codes Sorting in Cummins INSITE 8:
Note: Sorting can only be used on the Fault Code, Status, Count, or Lamp columns
What’s new in Fault Codes Wrap Up in Cummins INSITE 8:
– Link to Fault Information System for Troubleshooting information
– Clear Inactive Faults