Digiprog 3 Clone Test: Correcting Ferrari458 Odometer

This is a Digiprog 3 clone version odometer correction test on Ferrari 458.

Will try 458 with Digiprog 3. Your thoughts?

Once did a 458 with Digiprog 3.

Someone doubt that DP3 can do this. But for me, it works! Though it is a clone, but the software is same as original tool.

The tools only needs to read the EEPROM, we know Digiprog can do this for many other cars without problem, so if it reads the correct mileage so I don’t see much risk.

But the mileage is also in the ECU of Ferrari.

Anyone got experience of China clone Digiprog on Ferrari?

Yes. I did it. Did a Ferrari California with Digiprog 3 in 2min OBD

Possible to change km on Ferrari using Digiprog 3?

I’ve done a 2010 458 by obd with digiprog.

2min. Done. Perfect

If it reads the correct old mileage you’re good to go

Which version of digiprog3 did you use? I don’t see a selection for Ferrari 458

it was no problem when using digiprog 4.94.

all good.

express bought the tool instead of removing dash. better

Digiprog says it can do over obd, but i have a hard time to believe it does 2012 Ferrari 458. Any professional or official can help confirm this?

Look here:

Digiprog Ferrari 458

source: https://www.chinaobd2.com/wholesale/low-cost-main-unit-of-v494-digiprog-iii-with-obd2-cable.html

Confirmed! Digiprog 3 Ferrari 458 is supported since version 4.88!

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