engineer share a piece of free CGDI BMW F series programming database.
1.CGDI BMW: BMW F series programming database download:
After you complete download, the file is like this:

- Unzip it.

This folder contains these files shown as below.

- Right click the CGDI icon on the desktop, choose the option “Open the location of the folder”.

- Copy or cut the folder ” psdzdata” and paste it into the category. Now you are ready to use F series programming functions.

Please enjoy!
CGDI BMW F series programming feedback:
- Program F30 326 2013 FEM smart key…OK
- program F31 smart key FEM…OK
- CGDI PROG bmw f20 2014 mileage reset OK
- read ISN DME MSD80 OK 5WK93628
- the CAS Plug from BMW Multi Tool will work with CGDI, because CAS and OBD connector are BMW standard protocol.